I am passionate about wildcrafting and know it to be a blessing and game-changer for our wellness (and food budget) in these ever-changing times. I believe in foraging and herbalism that is practical and approachable as well as respectful and sustainable. 
I am self-taught, having spent close to two decades taking classes, learning from local mentors, checking out myriad books and gleaning from the internet voraciously. I can help you establish your connection with our wild plant allies, assess what plants will pair well with your budget, circumstances and medicial condition. I am always open to trades,sliding scale and dicussing collaborations, so please reach out.

I teach foraging at three levels:
  •  Intro classes (2 hrs) 
  • Immersion classes (3-4 hrs) 
  • Retreat/large-scale  (5-7 hrs)  
     I am always open to collaborations, sliding scales, and trades.  I meet folks on their land and in their parks and local wild places, even urban environments and average yards, to help them develop a greater connection to wild food and medicine. I often work in collaboration with other herbalists and foragers throughout the Willamette Valley. We learn, taste, gather, cook, create remedies, and grow community together, curating an approachable foundation for sustainable wild harvesting and wellness with reverence for the plants and their ancestral importance. 
I also have an apothecary where I make individualized formulations. After a consultation and assessment of conditions and circumstances, I make sure you have clarity and tools enough to make an impactful change in your wellness. 
I have a loyal following of folks from all walks of life who have been able to learn from us comfortably, but who would not be able go to a camp or group walk or similar class because their particular mobility or abilities make joining those other offerings difficult. Please let us know if you would like to discuss accessibility options for your particular needs.